Monday 7 January 2019

A couple of Challenges

So I decided to pop over to the Scrap, Paper, Scissors board and found they have a January crop on the go there, it's called, "Time to Stir the Pot."  Now if that isn't quite the name for a crop!

Anyway I found a couple of challenges that stirred something inside of me and got my scrappy juices flowing.

The first one that I thought I would try was the sketch challenge (I LOVE LOVE LOVE sketchs).
For this challenge I used a photo that I shot of my two little darlings having a bit of a nap together. Well, okay to be honest, only one was napping the other was bugging him.

I used some burlap and some copper mesh for the elements on this one, I also used a little metal token that came on a bar of soap that I thought was kinda cute.

The next challenge that I chose to do was Stephanie's Noodle challenge.  This one required the use of strips of paper to represent the noodles and circles to represent the bowls. Now my darling daughter is not going to love me for this one.  One day when she was having a particulary rough day at work, she shot me this photo of herself telling me that she was "not in the mood".   I was joking with her at the time.  I don't think she meant me to scrap it.  LOL

Now I am pretty darn proud of my daughter.  She got her first computer when she was nine years old after telling a computer salesman that he was going to have a syntax error, which he promptly told her he wasn't because he knew what he was doing... he got a syntax error.  She started writing programs on that computer the first day she had it... she had no computer training at all.  There's not much she don't know or can't figure out about computer's and how they run.  She has never had to look for a job in her life, it is always head-hunter's looking for her.  She don't get it from me.... or her father... it must come from way back in the family tree somewhere LOL

Thank you for visiting me, please leave a comment to let me know  you were here.

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